Oh, there's so much to write about!
Movies: I just finished watching Drive. I've been meaning to, and I really really liked it. A bit of gore, so beware. Did I mentioned I watched Cabin in the Woods? Excellent. And I"m not a horror movie fan.
Books: I just discovered Nick Hornby recently. A Long Way Down was the name. It's British humor so not for all, but I thought it was quite funny, despite it being about suicide! Just finished Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum - the story of a woman and her mother, and what her mother did during the war in Germany to survive and what her daughter is trying to find out. A quote that stood out: Each person has this choice to make about how they live with the past, this dignity, this inviolable right.
Radio: I did a show last week, and apparently it's the first time I've really sounded like myself. I had a lot of uh;s though. So the trick now is to have fewer uhs and still be like myself. I even had a caller who asked about a song. woo hoo! I also did another training last night but this time I helped out with the stuff that was being recorded. I was in a band for an evening!!! It was so much fun. There was a drummer, a bass player, and there was a keyboard that I played. All improv. Once we did a bit with that configuration, the bass player got the drums, the drummer got the keyboard, another guy came in for the bass, and I sang! One set I basically sang all the labels on the 7inch collection - like the old library shelves - so A-Ass, etc. One cute one: God-Heaven. Everyone had a lot of fun, and they saved the recording. And I have it. Pretty damn cool.
So SF is in the Superbowl. I stopped by a bar today to see the last quarter. A LOT of die hard fans. It was so loud and so funny. I had to high five some guy - he demanded it. :-) Then I went and watched NE/Baltimore for a bit at a bar. I'm so glad Baltimore won! This was after getting up early and going to check out the Mavericks Invitational at Half Moon Bay. It was in the mid-60's there!
And, in the end, the two interviews went ok and not amazing, and I haven't heard anything, so I'm working at my temp place. And, it's so weird to have that weight lifted from me. I've been looking for a job for two years - all that time and effort. And now... I don't have to. I went out to have a treat after the interviews, and had this: AMAZING. Sour cream mouse with blueberry compote in the middle on a lemon cookie crust thing covered in white chocolate with tthree blueberries and a ribbon of chocolate somehow turned blue.
It looks a bit surreal.
OK, I"m going to bed... after reading some.