Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Is it twittering if it's all in one post?

- My trainer was able to have me exercise my arms and shoulders yesterday without me using the injured muscle in my right arm. I was very impressed.

- My hair is growing in, and without itchy-ness (except for the chigger bites). Early on I looked down and Don Johnson came to mind. Go figure.

- The closing for my house has been moved back indefinitely - waiting on the loan assumption. We weren't told all the steps that had to be taken. Ugh.

- Nature moment on the ride home from the Gunks. Driving by a city, saw a hawk flying in the direction of a parking lot. I realized he was diving, saw the lone sparrow in the lot, and saw the hawk hit the sparrow. Then, since I was flying by at 80 miles an hour, I didn't see the outcome.


M. Robert Turnage said...

-Good trainer! I always have the people who poke the center of all my pain and go, "Does it hurt when I press here?"

-I can relate. Every day I look down and Don Johnson comes to mind.

-I cannot believe people who do this for a living cannot tell you the right steps to take. But I see it every day.

-If Warner Brothers cartoons taught me anything, they taught me that the hawk was hit by an anvil or something else comedic.

NoRegrets said...

Thanks WNG!!! They are very afraid now.

MRT - so damn funny. Hopefully you didn't mean Don's Johnson...

Susan said...

When I was in New York we saw a hawk attack a groundhog. The groundhog won. This has inspired a whole new fear of groundhogs within me.

Squirrel said...

#1 - most impressive
#2 - might not want to mention the Don Johnson thing to prospective suitors
#3 - that sucks! sorry to hear it
#4 - nice! I've seen bees taking down other insects in flight, but never anything bigger than that.

NoRegrets said...

Susan, that would have been cool to see. I must say, that was an ambitious or very hungry hawk.

Squirrel, noted. :-) Actually I've never seen a bee take down an insect. That's cool.

Tera said...

Yeah, what WNG said!! LOL! And NoR...don't act like you didn't know the outcome!

Hmmm all of a sudden, I have the urge to watch Miami Vice!

Churlita said...

Wow. Between the growing in and the chigger bites, you've got a lot going on down there. Maybe you should wait a little bit before you invite someone to, ahem, visit...

NoRegrets said...

TERA, you actually made me look again at WNG's comment, and I looked up 'his eye is on the sparrow'. So now I know.

And good for WNG for working out.

And Churlita, well, I don't have anyone beating down doors, so I don't think I need to worry about visitors.

Susan said...

How immature am I, you ask? I read "beating down" and started snicker/giggling...

NoRegrets said...

Ahhhh, susan...

heather said...

you would think by now i would know better than to read the comments left before posting my own.

now i'm thinking of don's johnson covered with chiggers and wondering why the hell it's on mrt's body...
and why you have a miniature doorman politely suggesting suitors look elsewhere (read: up)for now...
all the while with (something) korsakav's flight of the bumblebee playing for my inner soundtrack overlaid with glenn frey's smugglers blues.

thanks for that all. ;)

NoRegrets said...

Heather, anything we can do to help.

Tara said...

I'm sure the hawk had a tasty meal.

Ick, I'm sorry to hear about the complications with closing the house. I hope it resolves quickly for you.

The CEO said...

Sorry to be late to the party, but yesterday was crackers. It's how the financial markets are today.

The mortgage market is dragging their feet because banks are still dumping a huge overhang of foreclosed property on the market, driving prices down. Mortgage lenders don't see an end to this, and are scared that they will never get their money back. The bankers are just being cautious with you.

On the other hand, I am jealous of your climbing skills!