Here's my friend M sticking his head in the oven to try and kill himself after having spent at least an hour, maybe two, trying to figure out why my stove wouldn't work. And finding out there was a part that he didn't know about - he didn't ask if there were other parts! And then later finding out there were even more parts, which he did ask about but I didn't think were important so didn't respond when he asked. Turns out in order for the burner to work you have to have it ALL together. Sigh. It's a good story, and lucky he's a patient man, and not my boyfriend, as he likes to say, because if we were dating he would have killed me.
And here I am on the floor connecting the wiring of the dishwasher. I am glad M was there because I was able to ask questions and since he needs to SEE stuff, it saved a lot of frustration on both our parts. We'll talk on the phone about an issue and take 10 minutes for a simple question just because we aren't speaking the same language. And still he says I'm allowed to call. In any event, the dishwasher is connected and looks great and the electrical works, but it doesn't drain completely. I have to run it through a full cycle to see if it will work. Otherwise, it's back to the drawing board to find out what's happening. Sigh.
And, it's beginning to look like a real kitchen. The board is propping up a piece that we just caulked into place. Until it dries.
Billy is annoying the hell out of me with his demands for food, so he wins and I go feed him.
Your friend M has a great first name. You should be nice to M.
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Aw, shucks, and I thought I was being stalked.
I love the word caulked. It makes me giggle.
And caulked rhymes with stalked.
I know it sucks to have to work so hard on your day off, but I bet it will feel really nice to have a proper kitchen again....With a dishwasher even. I fantasize about having dishwasher that isn't me in my house.
Mad props to you and M for being less slothful than most of us apparently were. Your kitchen is shaping up very nicely.
OK, it's me stalking you. And, I have a caulk gun.
It's a KITCHEN!!
Wooooohoooo!!!!!!! :-)
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