Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I went to a meeting yesterday which was sort of background research for my job interview. So I had time to think - or rather thoughts bubbled their way to the surface. I realized that I am very nervous about having a job in which I have to interact with people face to face. I've done so well in the recent past in part because I have the luxury of mostly doing things via email. The two jobs before this which required me to interact day to day, I had a lot of issues with my bosses. Ok, I'm writing this and I realize it's not as bad as I make it out to be. I struggled but worked through it. I'm creating apprehension when it doesn't need to be there. I need to forget about all the implications of getting or not getting the job and just have the damn interview. Arg.


3GKnight said...

It helps to write these things out sometimes, huh? Personally, I've found interacting face-to-face cuts down on the potential for miscommunication. It'll all work out and I'm sure you'll do great.

silly rabbit said...

I get nervous about interviews no matter what. I think 3GK is right. Writing things out helps sort your thoughts and feelings. You care and that will show through. I'll cross my fingers. Good luck!

laura b. said...

It know it helps me to write things that are worrying me down. And, yes, I guess it can be seen as creating issues where there need be none...but nah! You're just thinking out loud, so to speak. And if you get the job, you'll do great!

Angel said...

Don't get nervous. Life is always full of interviews. Not only the job interviews. But we can't hide from those interviews. :) keep up your writing.. :)


Mel said...

Well, heck--I agree with all of 'em.

Better to let what's in the head find itself in black and white here......and keep moving.

Heck, that's worked for me forEVER. Dunno HOW it works, I just know it has.

You'll do fine. Breathe--believe in your abilities and show up! You'll do just fine.

NoRegrets said...

3GK - yes, it does. That's what I"ve always liked about this blog. And face to face is good, unless you are going through stuff where it's hard to control some negative emotions...

SR - It helped so much for me today to write things down - what I knew and what I wanted to ask them.

Laura - go team! :-) Thank you.

StArry aNgel- welcome! I will keep writing, don't worry. :-)

NoRegrets said...

Mel, yes, breathing is good. Thanks!!!