Thursday, April 29, 2021

From The Book of Two Ways

 "One of my favorite concepts from Ancient Egypt was kheperu, or manifestations. An individual was much more than just the khat, or body. You were made up of the ib-a heart; a ka soul- a familial legacy; a ba soul - your personality and reputation; shuyez - a shadow; and ren - your name."  Pg 222

Just that there is so much to us. Which is good.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Vegan Oregano Pesto

 I have a ton of oregano out front. I decided a year or two ago to make pesto with it. And tried for the hell of it vegan pesto, with nutritional yeast instead of parmesan.  It was so excellent. Problem was I didn't write down what the recipe was. Yes you can use the basic pesto recipe, but I just tried that and it's not quite as good.

2 c oregano
2 garlic cloves
1/2 tsp salt or so
1/4 c nutritional yeast
1/2 c almonds
about 1/4 c or less olive oil
I know I used almonds last time. Some recipes I looked at now called for pecans. Maybe I'll try a batch with pecans... But still it's good.  Just not quite so delicous as last time. Maybe it's because my yeast is old.