Saturday, December 17, 2016

Monkey See

It's December!  Not 3-6 months from when I wrote last. I'm doing fine.

Oops, got sidetracked for about 20 minutes in a non-incognito window...

Here's one of the images I have in my head when I need to get away from it all. Went to a National Forest in July. Camped in a field for free. One morning, I just sat on a log and watched the bees go from small flower to small flower. The thing was, the flower was not on a very strong stem, so it would bend over almost to the ground when the bee sat in it. But it bounced right back up.

I sold a few notecards. To friends of course. But I take these baby steps, and, someday I may rule the world.

1 comment:

silly rabbit said...

That's great. You got a start. I like the image of the bees on the flowers. That will stay in my head. I've missed you and everyone own fault. It was nice to see you in blog world.