Sunday, September 16, 2018

Moving forward using all my breath

Yeah, the rest doesn't really apply.

Seven months later... Still no second job. It's way too comfortable to only work half time.

Biggest news:

1) my brother was diagnosed with ALS. I've been through several stages of grief, and trying to move forward and not block out the feelings.

2) I'm doing OK Cupid. It's so weird, this online dating thing. Being able to say no. Being able to say yes. It's strange. I did finally tell M that I'm doing it, and it was as if nothing had happened. Which is great. I worry and in the end that energy could have been used for something else.

Like making a damn quilt for my sister!!  Gotta get it done by Christmas. It will be a more traditional quilt (less creative) but it will have positive descriptive words about her all over it, so she can see it.

Ho ho  ho

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