Monday, December 17, 2007

Animal House

So, to interrupt a weekend of quilting my beeehind off, I watched Animal House Saturday night. A nice, mindless movie that I had never ever seen before, believe it or not. And it's one of those movies that's a sort of essential of American 'culture'. A lot of references that still exist today. E.G. "Toga! Toga! Toga!"

Question I have though - is there where the idea came from that when women get together they stand around in their underwear or lack thereof and have pillow fights?


NoRegrets said...

Yes, you are likely right.

Susan said...

Come on, nor, don't lie. You know we all stand around in our underwear and pillow fight any time there's an opportunity. Anyyyy time.

NoRegrets said...

I was tryyying to divert the truth... Ok, fine. What color lingerie would everyone wear?

NoRegrets said...

Oh, and the menu is always: corn dogs, carrots and cucumbers, chocolate covered bananas, ice cream.

Churlita said...

I love your blog.

NoRegrets said...

Aw, thanks Churlita...