Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Sorry so many posts without photos, but I'm writing in snatches between events. Too lazy to put in photos.

My present to myself this year was to throw my back out. What fun! I went for a run Christmas eve morning and came back, no prolem. But then something happened and I started feeling achy at the bottom of my spine. By afternoon I was spasming mucho - you know when you move a little bit the wrong way and a gasp of pain comes out of your mouth? And you lay on the floor not quite the right way and can't get yourself out of position because you're already in too much pain so you're saying 'fuck fuck fuck' though your nieces are around? Thankfully it's much better tonight. It did get me out of a few chores!

We were/are anything but photoless in this family. Everyone is a camera bug, and everyone has a camera and takes photos. It's funny the different styles. 2nd oldest brother HAS to pose everyone. Youngest brother has a twisty lens thingie so can do sneak attack photos and videos. Sister does mostly family shots. Other brother manages to take bad photos and bother everyone. 2nd youngest brother doesn't take too many these days. Cousin/godmother does 'professional' shots with her professional grade camera. Mother just poses these days.

One thing we did this year that we haven't done in a while is do a slide show. My dad was a big photo taker in his day, and there's tons of slides. Not as many as before since there was a fire in my house when we were young and many got ruined (I just learned tonight my dad was getting paint off the house using a blowtorch - that's what started it... stupid man!). But there are enough photos of my parents pre-kids, and with each set of kids (first 2 boys, then 4, then 4 and a girl, then 4 and two girls) to make a brief slide show fun. We wanted to show the young kids too where everyone came from.

My brother downloaded all the videos and photos onto his computer - I think 2.5 GB. :-)

MERRY CHRISTMAS ONE AND ALL! Unless you are jewish, atheist, muslim, etc. etc.


Churlita said...

I'm sorry to hear about your back. I shoveled so much snow the other day, I was afraid I would hurt mine right before my long distance guy came to visit. That would have been very regrettable timing for sure.

Susan said...

It sounds like you had an awesome time, dearie. Minus the back that is...

At first I was reading this about "gasps" and "fuck fuck fuck" and was thinking throwing out a back didn't sound too bad...

Anonymous said...

Ibuprofin...the cure for practically everything. Nothing like a bad back to make you feel old. Last xmas time I had one, since I had not been used to carrying a baby around. All I can say is that I was glad not to be driving stick-shift.
It sound like you had warm and fun xmas, despite or even because of all othe relatives. I'll be doing the relative blowout beginning on Sunday...
Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

No chores for you! More drinks! That's my personal prescription, your health insurance should cover it, i'm a world renowned doctor in my spare time :)
Glad you're doing better and having fun, sweetie!

Squirrel said...

I know this comment comes late, but really nice work on the quilt!

NoRegrets said...

Churlita, I hope that if you throw out your back it's while doing things with Mr. St. Louis.
Yeah, well, Susan, I thought of you when I wrote that. Take that as you will. :-)
Had a travel day today and took drugs and had a 2 hour nap to recuperate. I hate doing nothing!!! But it's good for me.
Currently in dial up hell, so won't be doing too much in blogging.
Squirrel, thanks!