Monday, February 11, 2013


This was meant to be a longer post, but I had two phone calls tonight - catching up with two friends. And had to watch Beasts of the Southern Wild. Not at all what I expected, but of course wonderful. I can't believe they weren't actors beforehand. Amazing. There's an element I don't understand, but I'll ask my roommate, since I don't want to spoil it for you....

Sitting on the balcony yesterday, in the sun, talking to a friend, my feet up on the railing, ankles crossed, so there's a gap between my thighs. A hummingbird flew over and hovered under my legs, looking at me through the gap. For at least a couple seconds. Soooo cool.

I'll have to write more later...


laura b. said...

I'd like to see Beast of the Southern Wild...I've heard great things about it.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed Beasts of the Southern Wild. Didn't realize none of them were actors beforehand, though. Wow. That little girl was amazing!