Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy VD day

Had to add this. I've written before that I have herpes. Well, keep your eye out, women without it, for a vaccine. My first google search came up with this Science Blog article. Even though it's from 2006, it's worth going to just for the ad on the right. It's good to know that the United Church of Christ is open to members who are scientists. I found another site that lists the problems they've encountered with creating vaccines. Still, anything is better than nothing.


Churlita said...

Good to know. They have a vaccine for HPV too and that could save tons of lives.

NoRegrets said...

Knowledge is power! :-)

Anonymous said...

The UCC is not only open to scientists but apparently it also has a sense of humor, or so I gaher from the photo they are using for the add. This is the same church that had ads banned from TV a couple of years ago. The ads promoted the fact that the church welcomes and accepts homosexuals. I never saw the ad but heard that it depicted a church with bouncers at the entrace to keep people (i.e. homosexuals) out.

NoRegrets said...

Huh... A church with a sense of humor? wow.