Monday, April 28, 2008

One thing that makes me happy

Vegetables! Specifically, I took my mom this weekend to a local farm market that had great great vegetables. Beets with good greens still attached, so you get a two-for-one when you buy a bunch. New red potatoes. Wax beans (for my mom). Early strawberries. Rhubarb that's thin and red (both characteristics are what you want). Nice nice celery roots (to make the wonderful dish for my friends this week). Black radishes! which I haven't seen in years - you slice them realllll thin, buy some crusty white bread, good butter, and a good ale, and you put the radish on the butter on the bread and follow it with a swig of beer...soooo good. It's a German thing apparently. I should have bought the half sour pickles, but didn't. Now I'm regretting it... OH NO! I'm supposed to be a woman with no regrets! :-)


Churlita said...

Mmmm. Vegetables. I've been digging the fresh asparagus lately. Even if it does my pee smell weird.

NoRegrets said...

I've gotten so sick of the pee smell after asparagus that I can't eat asparagus anymore! sucks...

Tara said...

Both recipes sound so amazingly delicious. Ship the finished product over to me, will ya? :)

I love celery, radishes (never tried the black radishes, though) and red potatoes. Yum.

NoRegrets said...

the pork one is easy but sooooooo good.

laura b. said...

I love going to the farmer's market. The fruits and vegetables just look so much more appetizing.

Anonymous said...

Your name is a actually do regret!!

I am looking forward to home grown tomatoes, fresh off the vine.

heather said...

beets! blech!

i do the radish thing all the time. i like it with a european style multigrain bread. real hearty, stick to your ribs bread. not 80 gazillion air pockets like most american breads. yummy! (and fresh, country style butter if you can get it. fortunately i live in dairy country)

Tera said...

Totally love vegetables...and the photo on this post!

NoRegrets said...

Evile- I was just kidding! I didn't really regret it.
Heather, well, I'll have to try it with the multigrain bread. I'm actually tired of white bread right now!!
Tera, and we love you...