Monday, October 15, 2007

My Office Space

Here is my slice of work life.

I took this one so you can see my basket of food/tea, the summer shoes under my desk that need to be switched out to fall/winter, the clothes I keep hanging on the door in case of coldness/emergency, and the mess on my desk (normal - actually, this is kind of neat for me). My poor roses didn't make it through the weekend. But you can still see the color.

My computer has knick-knacks from all over around it. My favorite is the one I bought for myself - the glass pig with tiny dice in it. If I shake it it clears my head if I'm feeling anxious/overwhelmed. There's also some unopened pistachio nuts that I have around and smash open when I need to take out some aggression and am hungry (often they go together). In the background is my Caution! Senior Moment sign that I got for my 40th birthday. And a Habitat for Humanity mug. Can you find the Pez?

Here we have the rest of the mess. You can see one of the faces of the twins I mentioned in a previous post. They look and wonder what the heck the crazy muzungu (mzungu?) is doing [white person].

Fringes asked. I complied.


Tera said...

Not one picture of an animal or outside??? Did I miss it?

I love pistachios!

NoRegrets said...

Um, no animal, no, and no outside shots... I do have a window, so that's my outside. I do have plants! Maybe I SHOULD bring in my stuffed cat.

As for the pistachios, have you ever had habanero ones? Sooo good. Trader Joe's sells them, but the best I've found are from Texas.

Susan said...

I'm still jealous of this thing I've heard it called a "door". I've heard you can close it and actually have privacy while you work.

NoRegrets said...

Remember, I'm ancient. I've worked longer to get a door.

Susan said...

There are no door options here, nor, unless I off the owner and take over his job.


Tera said...

No I haven't! Damn it!