Tuesday, May 27, 2008


So, I went to see the place I was going to sublet and it just depressed me. It smelled from the food the current person had cooked, it was bare and so few furnishings. I couldn't imagine being there for 3 weeks. Really not. So, I have a find a plan L.
The cocoa puffs reference is due to Churlita saying if she were me she'd be going cuckoo for cocoa puffs by now. I'm starting to feel that way today. Oommmmmm....


laura b. said...

Aw, you could stay anywhere for three weeks! But if you have other options, I guess it couldn't hurt to exercise them.

NoRegrets said...

Well, you would think so. But, really, I have my limits.

Susan said...

Wow I just had an overwhelming urge for cocoa puffs.

Unknown said...

I'm telling you - I have a really uncomfortable futon you can crash on for FREE. AND it comes with vodka.
Now that's a great deal even with the 4 hour commute!

NoRegrets said...

Hmm... commuting with a mug full of vodka to help with the ride. Very tempting!

Anonymous said...

You can hang here if you can find it...

I have Cocoa Puffs in the house.

Tera said...

I actually prefer Reese's Puffs.

Tara said...

Great, now I'm hungry for Cocoa Puffs.

Churlita said...

Eating Cocoa Puffs might help. It's chocolate, and as far as i'm concerned, food is love.

Good luck. I wish there was something I could do to help.

NoRegrets said...

Evile - that sounds like a dare... :-)
Tera, ew, peanut butter...
Sorry Tara. Succumb to the urge though!
Churlita, you help by visiting and wishing me well. Really.

Tera said...

You are going to have to learn to separate E from A-Dub!!! If I was drinking, it would have so taken me a fucking hour to figure out why you were telling me to "succumb to the urge!"