Thursday, November 15, 2007

Blow Pop

Coming out of the closet. I did not announce my joining NaMoBloPop, but I did join, and am trying to post every day. Yesterday was crazy, and I 'cheated' by just posting a photo. But I really think it is indeed to look up in the sky and appreciate the view once in a while. I know I get stuck on looking down and straight ahead, and there's always something interesting up above. Except when you sit in a hotel all day, and all there are are ceilings and low lights. Ack!

Crap. Work calls again. Hope everyone is well.


Unknown said...

Then you look out the window. No more work! Boooo to work! Boycot having jobs!!!
(can you tell I'm really ready to get out of here? )

Susan said...

I'm so sleepy. I've been staring at the picture for a good 20 minutes now...

EsLocura said...

I liked the picture and I love blow pops, can't get them here, woe is me, but at least I don't have a regular job, so I got that going.