Thursday, November 29, 2007

Money, money, money

True confessions time. I am HORRIBLE with money. Not with numbers, with money. I was just asked how much my salary is and I don't know. A look of aghast from the person who asked - ie my boss -(wait, aghast can't be a look, oh well, you know what I mean) and I am very embarrassed - I'm supposed to be tracking budgets at my job. It's not that I make tons and thus don't need to worry - I have been like this all my life, even when I was working 4 jobs to make ends meet. My cousin handles my retirement money, and he'd better be honest since I really don't track it. About 8 years ago my bank attached someone else's atm card to my account, and I won't even tell you how long it took me to realize it and how it was realized. Maybe this should be my new year's resolution. We'll see. And no, you can't have my bank account number or my credit card number.


Susan said...

I'm right there with you. However my problem is I like to spend it entirely too much.

NoRegrets said...

Ah, there is where we differ. Since I know I suck at tracking it, I tend to NOT spend. One of the few Americans that saves as much as she can. No cable tv, no Tivo, etc.

Tera said...

You know, and I'm the type that NEVER records my transactions in the ledger...that's gonna bite me in the ass unless I stop it!

NoRegrets said...

I think I'm going to just have to keep changing jobs and leave my financial messes behind me...