Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nothing like a 10:00 pm interview

Had a work dinner tonight. Didn't get out of it until about 10:00. Had a great time by the way.

I had had a call earlier in the day from a small international nonprofit based in N. California. A Board member wanted to talk to me. And she needed to talk to me today - and found out the reason later was because the Board is meeting tomorrow and talking about candidates for the Executive Director position.

Holy fucking shit. Me as an Executive Director?

Well, talked with her after the dinner. And we got along and she's going to recommend that I be interviewed in person. Holy crap. Kinda. Because I really feel I could do this job. It's a bunch of very committed people, yet small enough not to be overwhelming. And to be quite honest, I think I'd only get this opportunity out there. There's too many people around where I live who are overqualified for such a position and I'd have no chance here. My resume is impressive and captures people's attention out there. It seems.

So we shall see. I'm not sure if I want you to wish me luck. I'm still contemplating this whole thing. Does it make sense? I've at this point gotten over the whole Exhibit A thing, given he has had noooo contact, which I kinda didn't expect from him, but he could have written back when I wrote a short email, but he didn't. I'm interested, not desperate. Is the line I'm going to use. In any event, my main concern at this point is whether it's really good for me. Do I want to move, really? The answer is of course yes and no. So, we'll see.


Ananda girl said...

How exciting! How about I just say break a leg!

Mel said...

Holy moly.

This could turn very interesting, very fast.....

AlienCG said...

I hope that this is opportunity for which you have been looking. Good luck to you, now I hope this luck comes and visits me.

Tara said...

I would be a bit torn about it too - it's both exciting and nerve-wracking.

Pamela said...

Ananda - ouch! now I have to go to the hospital!

Mel, yes indeed.

Alien - thank you. We'll see...
yes, we need to get you a job.

Yep, all of those Tara.

Susan said...

I know it's terrifying to move that far away from your blog daughter but I can always come visit California. :)

Pamela said...

Yeah yeah. You don't phone or visit when I'm closer to you! [grumbly old woman grumbling...mutter mutter]

Churlita said...

Just see how it goes. If it looks like a great opportunity and they give it to you, then it's meant to be and there's a reason to move there. If it doesn't go so smoothly, maybe it wasn't meant to be for whatever reason. Exhibit A seems like a putz, but it's a good thing to find that out sooner rather than later.

Pamela said...

It's Friday and no word, so of course I think nothing's going to happen.

Sebastien Millon said...

That sounds exciting. Obviously lots of responsibility. Must be a great feeling, even if you don't get the job, knowing there are people who know you would do a wonderful job in such a position!

Unknown said...

hhmmmmm..... hope you get a job that allows you to stream radical radio into your headphones, cubicle or corner office with a view of the bay.. a.