Wednesday, July 13, 2011

LOL Out Loud

Driving home yesterday from my networking meetings (which were really quite good, thank you very much), I had to drive around a guy pulling a treadmill behind him in the middle of the street. Odd enough sight as it was.

As I was parking, he passed me, and a car stopped. The woman inside talked to him, I thought either trying to make up for an argument or telling him something was dragging.

He walked over to the car, sat on the trunk facing backwards holding the treadmill, and she drove off down the street, the sound of the treadmill wheels on the ground, his face stoic staring in front of him, but behind her.


Mel said...

Okay then. *laughing* About as amusing as watching the fella on the moped with anters attached to the front.

Yup. *laughing* Antlers!

silly rabbit said...

You have to love it when life tosses you a good laugh out of nowhere.

silly rabbit said...

You have to love it when life tosses you a good laugh out of nowhere.

laura b. said...

Oh my goodness! The perfect tale of danger and intrigue :-) That would have made me laugh too!

Churlita said...

So bizarre and wonderful at the same time.

NoRegrets said...

Mel - really? That's great.

Silly Wabbit - double the pleasure of your comment...

Laura and Churlita, it was great.

cube said...

What an odd occurrance. I hope he didn't steal it.