Sunday, March 16, 2008

Off to St. Louis for Work

Yet again. Last time this year, hopefully... Talk amongst yourselves. Hmm... topic - arches.


Anonymous said...

anything but those damned "golden arches" -- boycott McDonald's

Fallen arches are a problem for many people, and from what I hear quite painful.

Nate said...

I find it's best to blank my mind, then I sight the bow, nock the arrow, and pull my right hand back smoothly, all while keeping my breath in a smooth rhythm.

Then, letting my fingers go on automatic pilot, I keep steady and almost surprise myself as I let the arrow fly towards the target.

Wasn't the topic "archery"?

Susan said...

The arches of my feet hurt from heels all weekend. I need to find a new weekend job..

heheehehehehehe...sorry, I'm easily amused today.

Squirrel said...

I had an arch nemesis a few years ago, but he left town.

Unknown said...

Arches make me think of shoes...everything makes me think of shoes...
I'm wearing my super fab green shoes today which do NOT hurt my arches! See how I worked it all back around to the topic. Girlz got skillz and shoez!

Tera said...

I agree with Evil-e...McD's ewwww! Um except for the Iced Tea...okay and maybe the Iced Coffee, but that's about it.

To Mr. Baaltar's point (smile)...Friday night my son recieved the highest rank in Cub Scouts...the Arrow of Light. They were awarded an aarow (without the tip of course...those were given to parents) and their badge as they become Boy Scouts!!!

Churlita said...

I think I'd done taking trips to St Louis for a while.

NoRegrets said...

Nice all - glad to hear you had fun without me. :-)