See the post that relates to it on Bizarro.
The second I just really liked when I saw and didn't get a chance to put up.

See the post that relates to it here.
Embracing the inner pink and living with intention and absurdity. I am woman, hear me roar.
Ouchy ouch - hope your hangover lifts soon.
No worries - it's a virtual hangover from the virtual party. Did no real drinking yesterday.
Bizarro is a great comic....
I like the duel between the fish...it is so close to real life.
I'm sorry you didn't drink last night, but also happy you didn't have a hang-over. Hopefully, you'll make up for it this weekend.
Evile - I liked that one too.
WNG and Churlita - Well, see, migranes don't go with alcohol. My body has been so stressed out for so long that I know that alcohol will just bring more migranes at this point, so no alcohol is actually a celebration. (as I sit here trying to avoid yet another one today)
Those are great! And now I am going to have to start reading that Bizarro blog everyday.
ya know there's another alternative for non migraine inducing, mind altering, mood enhancing, libido lubricating fun. my go-to medication for when the imetrex isn't working. ;)
it does have the negative of being (mostly) illegal but i've never had a hangover with it and not once have i woke up the next morning not knowing where i am or who the hell that unconscious cubscout in the bed next to me is. :)
Cheap liquor brings on my migraines, actually cheap tequila to be exact. I wonder what brings on my virtual hangovers *lol*
I do have the sweetest hangover!! I don't wanna get over!
Diana Ross has left the building
LOL I'll just enjoy the comics and leave it at that.
Though I will add how sucky migraines are.....which is very!
WNG - it depends on the state of my body. But I do have a pretty wussy body.
Laura-yeah, there tend to be good ones.
Heather-I will take that on advisement.
OG-cheap tequila can do bad things, but I always can go back to it - kind of a like an abused wife.
Mel-glad you enjoyed the comics!!!
just picking on you nor, don't take it too seriously. ;)
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