Ok, everyone. Put your party hats and panties on. The party is happening here today. 42 years and counting, woo hoo! I'm wearing the Diane von Furstenberg dress I passed up at a thrift store a few years ago - it miraculously appeared on my doorstep last night. Alas, no underwear. I was in too much of a rush.
For everyone there's food and drink galore. Food is a mostly locally grown, but there is a big tier of French pastries that I had flown in from France... sorry! Don't worry about drinking to excess - I have limos to drive everyone home. But please don't puke on the new floors. There's a designated spot in the back yard - compost pile. You are more than welcome to puke there. For those who don't drink, there's plenty of non-alcoholic goodies also.
For the women, we have party favors from Walmart. For the men, depending on their political affiliation, they have a choice of either an Obama girl look alike,
or a Cindy McCain look alike.
And, the music is eclectic, as is the crowd. Hoping for a guest appearance from Torrance all-mi-t. For entertainment, we have a twister game happening in the other room - Churlita's dorking out there. There's also two poles in there - one for Puss, and one for anyone who wants to try and copy what Puss does. There's chairs in the room too if you want to just sit and watch - Monty, there's a straight back chair for you and your back. Outside there's a pinata filled with goodies courtesy of Eslocura - just please don't whack any other guest in the head. Suzanne is doing free photos with her beaverCampaign for Unshaved Snatch (CUSS) & Other Rants: My Dam(n)ed Beaver Project - please take her up on it. WNG and Susan are cooking up some fish tacos in the kitchen - go keep them company. Heather's created a smoking section upstairs - high upstairs.
So, enjoy yourself, and thanks for being a part of my birthday! Tell me if there's any entertainment, food or drink I'm missing, and I'll get it for you.
birthday candles photo
Happy Birthday!!
Oh, mysterious Voice of Reason, thank you for your well wishes!
I showed up today purely to say Happy Birthday!!!!
Ahhh fish tacos...
Thanks Susan for taking time out of your Baltimar partying!
happy birthday sweets, is that naked twister in the other room?
I had to go an change my pants once you mentioned the poles - the ones I had on were wholly unsuitable...
Happy birthday!
Es-since Churlita's in charge of that part, I'll let her tell you. Somehow, my guess is yes.
Puss-sorry to make you change. Do you have special underwear on? what am I saying? Does a bear shit in the woods?
happy birthday nor! lovely party you have here. :)
and have no fear, the cops won't be raiding the place, they and the fire department have come to celebrate your birthday as well. ;)
let the lost weekend begin!
yeah, the firefighters heard there was a pole... maybe we can see them slide down...
Happy birthday!
So you're wearing your Diane von Furstenberg dress with no underwear and playing Twister???
wow, that's a treat for everyone! Happy birthday.
Thanks MRT. I'll accept that you are not feeling creative today (no limerick).
WNG - Yay! Looking forward to ugliness. And thanks, I'm glad I was born too :-)
Squirrel - yeah, too bad my hair's all grown in though. TMI!!!
Mmmm...French pastries! (I'll forgive you for flying them in if you'll forgive me for gorging). :)
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Twister isn't Twister unless it's naked. Also, can be in charge of the dance party too?
I still think you should have a real party where you invite people over to your house and have them help you move furniture around before it all gets going.
AMI- you may gorge all you want.
Churlita, yes, of course! I should have mentioned the regular dance party. As for the party to have people help me move stuff around, alas I think my friends are too clever for that. And they need a break from helping me!
Superb party! Happy Birthday! Um, are we allowed to take the party favors home? Please?
Happy Birthday! Hope you have and are having a FANTABULOUS day!!
Happy birthday, lady! Live it up. And man, do I like those French pastries. Yum.
Happy happy birthday to you!!
*singing and munching on a day old pastry*
A day late, but no less heartfelt!
Happy happy birthday to you!!
Do you need a hand cleaning up?
It seems that everyone enjoyed your party. Great job, there was something for everyone. Damn you throw a good party.
Susan and I did over up a toast last night (via text) at about 7:30.
Laura, what you do with your party favor is up to you! :-) I can tell some women did not click the link, else they'd be asking also.
OG - thanks!
Suzanne - thanks! Well, ended up almost getting a migrane but took a drug and it went away... woo hoo!
Mel- thanks! please eat all the leftovers.
Voice of Reason - Oh, thanks so much, but the Walmart guys that some of the guests didn't want are cleaning up for me... glad you were able to party with Susan last night. Heaven forbid you miss a night!
happy birthday...sorry I missed it
I did offer you monkeys and midgets for the occasion, but my comment might have been late. Glad is was a great blog-land bash.
hey now, mine wasn't left for good! only for the clean up and remodel. after that i expect him to be returned in the condition you found him in. (the ~original~ condition, not the day after the party condition!)
once he's done at your place i've got a list of stuff that needs to be done here. i used to volunteer bd for stuff like that but he got smart and has been in hiding for a while now. ;)
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