In the past 6 months, among other things, I left my husband, worked on and got a separation agreement, bought a house by myself, moved into it and am now living alone, my uncle died, my sister leaned on me for support for her relationship problems, I was dropped suddenly from a work project due to a complete shift in direction, got offered and took another different half time job, and my cat died.
I did not lapse into a depression, due in part to continued exercise and eating right, regular physical training, the support of friends and family, and some good luck. September will start my new life. See you then!
Have a great time!!!
Enjoy your vacation.
Have a safe and fun trip!! September is just around the corner the first day of the rest of your life!!
Oh NoR! You are such a strong woman and an inspiration to me! Remember...NO REGRETS! :)
Have fun!
Wait...does that mean you won't be reading my post today? Hmph!
Maine is extraordinary. I've never had a bad time there.
As James Hetfield sometimes says,
no remorse, no regrets.
have fun. If anyone needs a vacation, it's you.
I can't wait to hear all about it.
What a great tune....and hopefully a great start to your new life.
Every day is a new beginning--here's to yours, each and every day.
Happy vacationing--safe journey.....
now all you need is a new do to go with the new you.
i suggest pink.
to match your kickin sunglasses. :)
have fun!
enjoy.....take it easy, take it slow, take as needed for pain
I really hope you enjoy your vacation! You deserve it.
The Swing
How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do.
Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
River and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside
Till I look down on the garden green
Down on the roof so brown
Up in the air I go flying again
Up in the air and down!
-----by runescape money
ENJOY!! : )
Have a great time!
You are a truly impressive woman. I am truly sorry about your cat. See you soon.
I've always wanted to go to Rangely. Have a fun vacation!
Hope you're having a swell time. I like Heather's suggestion that you dye your hair pink. I did that once, about a year ago. People were... surprised.
Thanks all! I did, and had great weather until the ride back...
As for pink hair, well, my nephew did it for me. Just got a picture in email he dyed it pink for his mom's breast cancer walk (no, she doesn't have it, just does the walk).
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