Sunday, June 28, 2009


So, Saturday I went to meet up with some people I hadn't seen in at least 20 years. Friends from high school. Before going, I was a bit anxious. It's kinda like going home to your parents - you start acting the way you were when you were younger. Well, back in high school I was pretty shy. I had more than 2 friends by 10th grade, but it was still an odd thing. I was a misfit.

Thing is, there were a bunch of other misfits too that kinda all found each other. By end of 10th / 11th grade there were enough people to have a group. We were very fond of saying that we weren't 'clique'y (well, in a traditional way!). In fact, someone within the group coined the term for us - claque. There was a core group who all lived on the same street near the junior high school, and then the outliers like me, who kinda even in a misfit group was hesitant to be part of the group all the way.

Well, a few people got together on Sat and I decided to join. I was anxious, but I eventually told myself that it would be like meeting new people, because really they were new. I mean, 20 years had gone by.

But in the end it was so relaxed. I was still kind of a misfit, being the only one not married and childless, but it was great spending time with them. And hearing about other people we all knew. I mean, who woulda thought that C would become an opera singer in Germany?? Seriously, he is. And W is a sommalier. And one of the guys who was there is my age and just starting his residency for becoming a medical doctor. He loves it. And another brought cheese that he had made himself.

It was great. And the best thing that came out of it, driving home I was thinking to myself that I really can do anything I want to. I can dream, and make that dream come true. I'd lost that attitude over the years due to all the chaos in my life, but I'm stable enough(ish) now that I can start dreaming again. Or at least percolating.

Like, I'd love to go live in New Zealand for a year or two. Realistically, some things would have to happen for me to do that (stabilize medication, find a way to have health insurance there, my mom die - which is horrible but realistic - I don't want to be overseas when she dies, etc.) but it's something that could come true. And that's all I've come up with so far. But it's something. I have some time.

And I reconnected with some really truly good people, and hope to continue to be in touch. Thanks Facebook!


Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

That's great.. making new friends is always fun.. I missed out on my 20th reunion.. I didn't have fond memories of school life..

Anonymous said...

I have not gone to a high school reunion yet. I really have no desire to since I was kind of a misfit myself. My 20th comes up in 2012, but I'll probably miss that one too.

Churlita said...

That's great. I think half the battle is knowing that you have choices and possibilities. I'm glad you feel that way now.

laura b. said...

Sounds like it was such a great experience for you. My (gulp) 30th reunion will be next year. I may just go this time.
Keep dreaming, NoRegrets. There is nothing better in the world.

Pamela said...

Mrs. - more like making new old friends? I didn't go to a reunion per se - official one. that would have been too much.

Alien, exactly. No reason to go.

Churlita - hopefully I can hold onto that.

Laura, it really was nice.

crazy4coens said...

You were brave to go - I would not have (and haven't). I am so glad that it was a good experience for you. New Zealand sounds like a great place to go. You can do it!

Sebastien Millon said...

Good to hear! always good to dream... unfortunately my dreams are usually invaded by killer demonic terrorist cottontail rabbits. But I still have dreams at least, even if they frighten me.