Friday, January 23, 2009

Ah, sweet mystery of life

Actually, no mystery at all. I solved one issue by actually talking with a friend. Yes, I make her uncomfortable sometimes because she knows I get upset when I'm around my ex, and doesn't like to see me hurt. OK, so, does that mean I don't talk to her about it? Likely not. And she needs to make sure it doesn't seem like she HAS to have both he and I together at the same time, so will sometimes NOT invite me over when she's inviting him over, and vice versa. Damn, she puts a lot of thought into it - a very good friend. Though I would prefer if she got over the seeing me hurt thing, but then she'd be a zombie, and it'd be hard to be friends with a zombie because I'd always be afraid of losing some flesh.

I was going to post a picture of snot, but instead found a band named Snot. enjoy!


laura b. said...

Sweet! You're feeling better :-) And I think you probably made the right choice posting the band Snot, as opposed to a photo of actual snot. Just a hunch.

Churlita said...

She does sound like a good friend.

Mel said...

There IS a G-d........


Mel said...

P.S. Feel better soon!!

NoRegrets said...

Laura, but snot is so cool!
Churlita, she is.
Mel, because I feel better?