Thursday, May 7, 2009


So, I have an appointment to get my hair cut tomorrow. I've had to cancel I think the last three weeks for various reasons, and am wondering if I should cancel tomorrow. My hair is the longest it's been since I think I was a young child - about boob level (though I didn't have boobs when I was a child, you get the idea). Sometimes I think it's developed an identity of its own, and thus I must cut it back to get back to only being me, and other times I like it - frames my face, etc. It desperately needs a trim, but I'm not going to my hairdresser just for a trim - she's waaaay to expensive for that. She's so good, I can go once every six months, or even once a year, and it grows out and it looks good the whole time. She gives me shit for it and likely hates me for it, but I'm only willing to be so nice to myself, again given how expensive she is.

The thing is too, I think I've covered almost every hairstyle that I could possibly have - from extremely short to medium-ish - that would look good on me and I could live with except this really long one. In case you couldn't guess, I don't spend much time on my appearance. I am willing to blow dry my hair a little, but I only know how to do one thing, and that's roll it under. So I do that, and then let it go do whatever it wants. If absolutely necessary I'll put some shit in my hair to try to make it a certain way or whatever, but that's it. I'm not a glamour girl or a mod girl, and I like to look like a girl and not a robot or a boy. Those are my criteria. And I have straight hair and not willing to curl it. Or straighten it even more. And I don't have the pouty face and not willing to inject my lips. And I'm scared of bangs, mostly because they are hard to grow out.

So, given all that, any of these you like?


Nate said...

my vote is on #9, the sandra bullock one

Churlita said...

My hair is so curly, I can't have a hairstyle. I usually just have my girls trim my hair. Speaking of which, I gotta get them to cut my hair this weekend.

Squirrel said...

I like #3 and #4. I applaud your decision to avoid bangs, they hardly ever work on anyone older than 20.

Glamourpuss said...

Perhaps unsurprisingly, I'm a fan of short hair; it shows off one's bone structure :-)


Pamela said...

Nate, you're supposed to look at the hair, not the clothes falling off.

Churlita, and you just straighten it all the time, right?

Cool Squirell...

Puss, you can pull it off and not be called a boy... I've had people call me a boy with really short hair.

Tara said...

I like the Sandra Bullock hairdo and also the third and fourth one down from the top.

My hair doesn't get much treatment either. I rarely use the hairdryer and just air dry it if I have the time.

laura b. said...

I like the blonde...seventh down? And the Sandra Bullock one. Sort of touseled bobs. Not to many odd layers to mess with...just a little layering at the bottom. Should make it pretty low maintenance for you.
Signed, Queen of Low Maintenance

Vlad Steven said...

Nuevo look!!!! Excelente!!!! Yo voto por: 3, 4 o 7.

Mel said...




It's just hair?