Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Hunt - Nuisance

I wondered this morning what would come to mind. Well, now that I've taken away my kitchen sink and thus have no water there or place to wash dishes, I've realized what a nuisance it will be until I get it back! Which won't be for at least another week. (Countertops get installed Thurs. And then I have to wait for my friend to have time to do the plumbing.)

I had taken some pictures of my nasty bruised legs, and here you go. It's a little bit of a nuisance since I can't wear short skirts, but not as bad as during the summer when all I want to do is wear skirts. My, aren't those fleshy white thighs... Really, there's muscle under there. I swear.


laura b. said...

Ow! Is that what happens rock climbing? (and if you are rock climbing, of course there are muscles galore!)

It is quite a nuisance not to have a kitchen sink!

M. Robert Turnage said...

I know you say you are a rock climber, but really only professional super-powered crime fighters get bruises like that.

NoRegrets said...

Laura, it just happens to me. I bruise easily. And I'll write about the climbing later, but it kicked my beeehind.

MRT-good thing I've started this internet detective agency.

Tara said...

My mom and I occasionally compare bruises we get. She gets hers when she moves furniture or bangs into something, I get mine just by being pretty clumsy.

Susan said...

I have a huge bruise on one of my knees. (cough) moving on...

Churlita said...

See? That's why I don't like rock climbing. I don't like ripping up my fingers and hands and getting bruises all over me.

Susan must be very popular.

L said...

OMG those are some crazy bruises!

Vlad Steven said...

Hola!!! Ten cuidado con los golpes. CuĂ­date mucho.
Saludos desde DF

NoRegrets said...

Tara-it's fun,right?
Susan, I will have to go to your blog.
Churlita. If she has one bruise on her knee and she's popular, I must be REALLY popular!
Women's - why, thank you!
Estban - hola! Todo el tiempo tengo cuidado. Pero, la piedra no lo tiene.