Wednesday, February 25, 2009

5 lb block of scrapple

My sister asked me to buy this. You buy 4 lbs and you get one free, and who can pass that up when it comes to scrapple? UGH. I had to cut it up into pieces to freeze it, so I actually had to touch it.

I would label this post under food, but can't quite get myself to do that.


Susan said... scrapple?

Pamela said...


Churlita said...

I don't even know what scrapple is.

Pamela said...

Various pieces of pig.

laura b. said...

I had heard the word scrapple, but had to look up exactly what it is...dang, that is pretty disgusting sounding...and looking, I have to add.

The CEO said...

I guess I confuse easily. Why didn't your sister buy the scrapple? And even if you bought it for her, why doesn't she come pick it up? Particularly if you don't eat scrapple?? What am I missing here?

Tara said...

Okay, what exactly is scrapple? It looks like it could be a pastry, but 4lbs of it is overkill even if I don't know what it tastes like. I've heard of a grapple before, but that's an apple that tastes like a grape...or is supposed to taste like one, at least.

NoRegrets said...

Laura, yep, pretty gross.
Monty, no reason you should know. I was in Lancaster, PA this weekend. HOme of the Amish. Home of scrapple. My sister likes scrapple. She lives near my mom, who I am visiting next weekend. I offered to buy scrapple, freeze it, and bring it to her. How exciting is that?
Tara. Pig in a blender.

heather said...

we used to special order this at the old grocery store job for a few of our older customers. i was always slightly tempted to buy a ~very~ small amount just to see what the hell it tasted like but along with the pickled herring, and head cheese, i could never bring myself to buy any.

Mel said...

Ah. Right!

No wonder I didn't have a clue.


M. Robert Turnage said...

I keep hoping scrapple will turn up in the Urban Dictionary as something really nasty. As in, "After a night at the club, we decided to scrapple. I ain't never gonna to drink that much ever again!"