Friday, October 3, 2008


- ok, what are the rules? do I tell you if I forget a piece of my underwear, or just increase the counter? yes, forgot bra.

- it's funny how a piercing scream (from me) in a climbing gym can silence the entire gym. I had a long fall and knew it was coming, so screamed all the way down.


Squirrel said...

H'mmm, since I suggested the game, do I get to make up the rules?

Yes, you have to own up to what it was you forgot!

So if you forget both your bra and your knickers one day (or some days), does the counter go up by one or by two?

NoRegrets said...

Yes, Squirrel, sure. you make the rules. As to the counter number also...

Churlita said...

That's so funny. I will never ever forget to wear a bra. Underwear? That's a different story.

Squirrel said...

I'll try not to let the power go to my head.

Susan said...

If I forget my bra someone will lose an eye.

Glamourpuss said...

Good skills. I can't imagine forgetting a bra.
