Thursday, April 30, 2009

Boring Thursday

Hi, it's Thursday, and I'll be your boring hostess today. I realized my state taxes have to be done today - ack! I'm back to drinking my tension tamer tea - I took a brave bold desperate step yesterday and had some green tea (caffeine) because I could NOT for the life of me concentrate. So far no ill after-affects. But see, it lets me do stuff like have 3 pieces of bread and an avocado for dinner, which really is not enough food for me. So, I will eat well today to ensure I don't get a migraine.

Here's a link to the astronomy picture of the day for your viewing pleasure. Sliver of a moon.


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, April 30th, that forgotten tax date. I'm not too thrilling of a host either since I haven't much to say. Good luck with your taxes.

NoRegrets said...

Alien, thanks for visiting though!!!

Churlita said...

I'm just gonna hand my state taxes in late like I do every year. I'm a lame-ass that way.

Thanks for the cool moon photo.

laura b. said...

Aw! I love pictures of the moon! But I hate taxes :-( < note the sad face...see I mean it!
Thank you for being our boring hostess today. Nice try, but you're not boring :-) < smiley face...that means I mean it too.

NoRegrets said...

You are more than welcome.

Too many faces Laura... :-)

The CEO said...

Taxes are done. Nice moon shot!