You know that feeling when you were young, in the morning when you'd wake up after the Easter Bunny or Santa Clause visited, but before you saw what they brought? That's what I have right now. Except, with buying a house, it's kinda like they're a little scary too, like a bunny with sharp pointed teeth or santa with devil's horns. Off today at noon to sign my life away.
positive change is always scary but how fabulous when it's at last all over... well all over except for the mortgage payments : ) besos good luck today
Oh joy! Please sit on the floor and eat a slice of pizza right out of the cardboard box for me. Some of the best pizza I ever had.
Change is always terrifying, but listen to the excited tingles and not the scary monsters.
I am so happy for you! Do you have trees to climb in the back? And a porch in the front to watch the World go by? Will you post pictures?
Es, gracias. That's why I'll play the lottery more. I don't want millions and millions. I want just enough to pay for my house.
WNG - there may indeed be a happy dance, and some pizza.
Puss-yes, I know. damn, can't concentrate this mornging. what a surprise.
CEO-I have in a previous post show the outside. I have to buy a new charger for my camera battery, so no pictures yet, crap. And alas, no trees in back, but lots of sun for a garden. And no porch, but maybe someday... a stoop works for now.
Is that like the rabbit off monty python?
Good luck signing your life away. :)
At least you will know who to blame when you move in and the pipes turn out to be all corroded. Shake your fist into the air and yell, "Damn you, Easter Bunny!"
I definitely can sympathize there. Exciting and terrifying all at once, like a roller coaster ride.
Ohh, good luck to you and I'm so excited for your new home! It'll be wonderful!
Excitment and fear and be a heady combination :-) Might as well enjoy the adrenaline.
Yea for you. At least you won't be at the mercy of other people any more. It will be so nice to have your own space again.
good luck with Satan Clause....
Congratulations, I hope all goes well and you can live up to your blogger name and have no regrets.
Susan, well, yes.
MRT-I'll have to make an altar to the Easter Bunny in my backyard.
Ami-thanks for visiting! yes, this is a better roller coaster to be on.
Tara-yes...I'm excited.
Laura-honestly I don't need any more adrenaline!
Churlita-yes. indeed.
Evile-nope, no regrets. just nervousness...and a little sadness.
I happen to know that Eslocura is a fan of the Naked Happy Dance!
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