Everything went well - thanks for all the good wishes. And, the seller paid for my interest rate lock extension! So that was great. I'm trying NOT to have the mindset that oh, that means I can spend that money. Thankfully at my bank I have two savings accounts, and I'm starting to use the secondary one for money that I'll allow myself to use for fun stuff like vacations, and buying new ski boots this fall.
It's all about the food. The office I closed at had tons of food and drink, and so it's my favorite place to close now. My lunch consisted of a packet of doritos, two packets of freeze-dried fruit, a glass of apple juice, and two candy bars (I had earlier eaten a package of peanut butter and crackers). The woman who handled my financing brought me a bottle of champagne. After the closing my realtor and I brought a case of beer to the seller's agent, since he really did so much for us.
The seller's agent looked at my keys and said, now you can get into any foreclosed house. They use the same keys for all of them. So I know what I'm doing soon! New locks.
And, the title of the post refers back to a song: I'm my own grandpa. And here we have the muppets to sing it for you:
Congratulations NoR!!!!!!!!!!!! When is the housewarming?
Well Done! It is a mighty achievement today to actually buy a piece of real estate. Just getting a mortgage takes a lot with stellar credit. You have a lot to be proud of, particularly yourself!
Congratulations! Muppets make everything better.
Muppets make me so happy!! I need happy today!
I'm happy for you. Now, back to the search for the perfect housewarming gift.
Thanks TERA! Oh my... I need a livable house before I can warm it. Likely in a month or two.
CEO-gracias Monty.
MRT-Muppets are the BEST.
Susan-I have every faith...
Juan Jo loved the muppets - I can't never keep the words f that song straight --it givs me a headache.
Congratulations on your new digs.
When are you moving? Where are you going to be eady for visitors? :-)
so much better than tom arnold's version :)
congrats on the house! YAY NOR!!!
sending a virtual beer to you...
good for you, enjoy the new digs
I am so excited for you! Congratulations!!!
Well, congratulations - throw a wild party for yourself to clean up afterwards! Maybe not...
Thanks DBN- I really wish I couldmemorize the song. I could, but the effort would be too great.
Heather-tom arnold? really?
Tara, thanks... I'm excited too.
Puss, the wild party will come. I hope. :-)
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