During the first mojito I felt a little awkward. I called a friend I hadn't talked to in a while, and left a message saying 'this is a little more difficult than I thought it would be'. I ordered a side dish, and kept drinking, and watched some surfing and skateboard thing on the tv in the distance.
My side dish arrived and I started on my second mojito. People had been arriving in dribs and drabs, and there was another lone woman a few seats down, and a couple sat down to the right of me. Of course, the more alcohol you drink, the easier things get (except for driving and walking). And there were some friendly people there. First a woman who stood at the bar to get drinks asked me how my mofongo was, which seems like such a simple thing but it was nice to have someone talk to me. Then the woman of the couple next to me starting talking to me. Tells me how she just got in from Spain and visiting him and they met when they were 5 and 8...
You here alone? she asked. I said yep, and she bonded with me then. Oh, I do that too. Movies too. Her date got up to go to the bathroom and she came clean. I'm such a liar. I'm not from Spain, I'm Puerto Rican, etc. She's a flight attendant and is based in Philly but in town, and they had met through the internet many years ago. She had a lot of energy, was drunk, and was hilarious - making jokes, flirting with her date, suggesting a threesome (semi-embarassing her date, but of course he's used to her), telling me about meeting Mr. Big in NYC (and pulled out her camera to show the picture of her with him). Took my photo.
At one point she sticks out her hand with the middle finger extended (downward, not at me) and says, meet my best friend. She had a ring on her finger so I was confused for a moment, and then I got it and laughed hysterically but also apparently turned beet red. They loved it. I was more embarrassed that it took me so long to get it. I told her I didn't get it at first since we use things with batteries here in the US. They then bought me a mojito, but made me try a strawberry one. And I made everyone try it, and the woman behind me who had asked me about my mofongo felt more than comfortable taking a straw and trying some too.
10:15 came and the bar closed down. I said goodnight to my new friends and went back to the 'hood.
way to go nor! glad you got out and had some fun. last time i went to a bar by myself was a good ten years ago but i knew people who would be there. a lot different than what you did. don't ever doubt your courage woman. you have it in spades. :-)
Sounds like it worked well.
Last time I went to a bar alone it was to hear a band (I thought I knew the bass player...turned out he'd been replaced) I brought a book and sipped my drink, listened to the music and read.
Between the second and third set a guy that was buying drinks for a bunch of friends chatted me up and bought me another of what I was drinking.
It was OK, but I don't do it regularly. I'm pretty sure I looked snooty sitting at the bar ignoring everyone while reading and listening to the music, but I wasn't really there to be picked-up so I didn't care.
Thanks Heather... aw, shucks.
NotF-I thought about bringing something to read, but I wanted to see how it went without.
Ok, this is going to sound lame but I am so proud of you. It takes a different kind of person to be able to go somewhere alone and be comfortable in their own skin. (watch "Hope Floats" sometime for Harry C. Jr's speech about it)...
Strawberry mojitos....yummmm
Aw, thanks Susan.
Actually, I didn't like the strawberry mojito. I like it pure.
For me that would have been a HUGE deal! Yay you! It sounds like you ended up having a good time. Very inspiring :-)
Well done, you are an independent, funny, well-rounded, interesting young woman! And you like sushi too? What a catch.
That's tough to do. I've lived in this town so long, that if I go out by myself, I always run into someone I know. That's great that you were so open and had fun.
That's just so awesome! What I love about NYC is that people go out to dinner, movies, bars, etc. by themselves all the time. Still, I think it's hard to do. I'm glad you met so many fun people.
I know I've said this before, but that picture says a gazillion words! Mmmmmm!
I do a lot of stuff alone, and you're right, when you open yourself up to possibility, you often find the lovliest people. So glad you had a jolly evening.
Laura, well, good.
CEO, I drink more mojitos like that and I WILL be well rounded.
Churlita, thanks. I do give myself a pat on the back...
Puss-I think you might be more outgoing than me and likely have less trouble, but yes, it was cool.
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