Embracing the inner pink and living with intention and absurdity. I am woman, hear me roar.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I'm a woman
I feel kinda bad, so I shop. Except I'm a modern woman, so I shop on ebay. I had seen these yesterday, and wanted them. So I bought them today. It's not so frivolous, because I have had this style for years (Smith Slider 01) but the frames disintegrated finally, and I still have replacement lenses, so it's technically a need rather than want. Right? And they are PINK!
uhm, i'm sure i'm gonna lose my girl card over this but i'm not much for pink. however sunglasses are a necessity. at least one good pair and one cheap pair.
Normally, I wouldn't do pink sunglasses, but it's kinda how I feel right now. Heather, these are the good ones. I can't do cheap actually - they hurt my eyes.
I was thinking when you got to the eyesight issue that it was a mandatory requirement for the organism to survive, which is the operational definition of a need. Sp you were well within your boundaries for buying. And it was cheap on Ebay, right?
'You like me. You really like me." : Sally Field 1985 Acceptance Speech
My first limerick written FOR me by MRT
There once was a blogger named Nor, Who everyone seemed to adore. She'd blog and she'd post, Much more than the most And her readers still clamored for more.
Living my life on a bumper sticker: Destined to be an Old Woman with No Regrets.
See also: Leo; burly girl; rock climber; artist-wanna-be; youngest of six; gassy girl; seeker of truth, laughter and beauty.
They are pink. Total justification.
Anything pink automatically goes into the 'need' box.
uhm, i'm sure i'm gonna lose my girl card over this but i'm not much for pink.
however sunglasses are a necessity. at least one good pair and one cheap pair.
Cute! They look like a necessity to me.
Normally, I wouldn't do pink sunglasses, but it's kinda how I feel right now.
Heather, these are the good ones. I can't do cheap actually - they hurt my eyes.
Yes, definitely. Your eyes do need protection from the sun, so you weren't just shopping you were taking care of your eyesight. :)
you want-you buy...no guilt
I was thinking when you got to the eyesight issue that it was a mandatory requirement for the organism to survive, which is the operational definition of a need. Sp you were well within your boundaries for buying. And it was cheap on Ebay, right?
Very chic, ma'am!
Ummm.......but they're pink.....
Tara, thank you.
Evile-nope, not when you have a mortgage!
Mel, thanks ma'am. Yup, I'll look a bit strange, but that's ok.
Squirrel, right!!
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