I arrived at the gate and stopped to open it. The guy hanging out of the red 4x4 passenger side called to me. It took me 3 tries to understand what he was saying, but he basically asked me if I had a boyfriend. I was too sick to be clever, and didn't want to be rude because who knows who is who there, so I answered. We had a little back and forth, and he felt comfortable enough to come out of the car and stand beside the fence. He asked how old I was, and I asked him how old he was - 28. I just laughed - I'm too old for you! And wanted to shake my finger at him and tell him to respect his elders and take off the friggin sunglasses when he's talking to me.
I told him I'm 41, and he told me I looked good, so that's something. He wanted to take me out to dinner, go biking with me, etc. As we're speaking a few older, respectable men came out of the store next door and looked at me disapprovingly even though I said hello with a smile. Because I'm standing there practically naked talking to this young'n. I thanked the young'n for the offer and said no thank you, and went inside, him staring at my booty as I left.
So, I guess there's no need to stalk the prey. Ha. I've been looking at craigslist and even signed up yesterday for fitnesssingles.com (it was a link that appeared on my map of who visits my blog) and realized how not ready I am for all that crap. I had even written to a guy on craigslist (no, not the 22 year old, a real one) and said I'm not ready for a relationship but I'm writing anyway, and referred him to my blog. [side note: I wonder what a guy would think of me from my blog... probably scared shitless to interact with this crazy pervert...] Not quite sure why I'm doing it - I guess gauging where I am emotionally, trying to see that there ARE guys out there I'd be interested in dating, etc.
I am what I am. Especially right now. My view is inward and that's mainly what I write about given everything that's going on. Life will move forward.
I hate it when people don't take off their sunglasses when they're indoors. It seems so obvious that they're hiding something.
We can be friends, although I must warn you, I am happily married, and also madly in love with WnG, who stands me up all the time. Harrumpf. But, you're always welcome for sushi.
You're also sort of young.
Well, Tara, he was outdoors. So, I guess I was expecting too much? But I had taken off mine so he could see my eyes.
CEO - I don't stand people up! And I certainly respect happily married. So when is sushi??
I like this a lot. I've sort of started thinking I may not be truly ready for a relationship yet either.
I'm also doing the internet dating thing... green singles. I too have mixed feelings about it.
Sushi is as soon as you're ready. And please, call me Monty.
nor, young or not you should have met him for drinks. if nothing else just so that you can get used to flirting again. getting comfortable with it and knowing just how far you want it to go takes some practice.
don't look at each new encounter as a possible relationship. you don't want to overanalyze things, just take things as they come. :)
Susan, well, then don't.
Squirrel. Aliens?
CEO, it may be a while before I can switch over to the M word.
Heather, well, you see, I'm not sure he'd want a drink or want to snort coke, or what, and didn't really want to do that. And didn't want him drooling all over my clothes either.
I highly recommend dating guys who live far enough away that you can't really be in a relationship with them, but close enough so that they can come and "visit" for a weekend where you do all kinds of fun things until they go away again. This way, you can still get a little touch, but you can still live your life without any of those icky complications you may not be ready for.
No no. And not rich people either. The other sort of green! (carbon footprints, compact flourescents, prius, etc.)
Tho I guess I would also have mixed feelings if it were aliens.
Churlita, I fear that there would always be complications. So, I'll hold off for now...
Squirrel. DUH!
"Zorbot, 368 years young beta-female from Mixalon 6, seeks same. Pink striations on third and fourth arms a plus. Respond via subspace transmission. No weirdos."
Ugh... I need to get some sleep.
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