Monday, June 16, 2008

Wheel o' Watermelon

So, I admit I'm a bit quirky. But I don't think how I eat watermelon is that quirky. My colleague disagrees. She came in for a meeting and burst out laughing. I have a wheel o' watermelon on a plate, and I use a knife to cut out pieces of it and stick it in my mouth. This is how we did it growing up with those huge long watermelons, with real seeds, not these current wimpy 'seedless' things. A long huge watermelon was gone in an instant, since a family of 8 having at least one inch thick wheels o' watermelon is a lot of watermelon. The ends were never that popular, since you had to use a spoon to get it out and occasionally the watermelon piece would go flying... And so how do YOU eat watermelon?


Anonymous said...

Not weird at all...I have eaten it like that as well. It is a neat way of eating a messy melon. And, as we know, neatness is good.

The CEO said...

First, you sit down with a bottle of saki or vodka. You pour yourself a shot, drink it, and start a discussion with the watermelon so you know how the watermelon wants to be eaten. If you cannot hear the melon, keep drinking shots until you can hear the melon speak. When you have reach karma with your melon, meditate together. Now that you and your melon have achieved nirvana together, don't forget to cut a plug from the melon and give the melon its share of the vodka or saki. At this point, since you will have achieved enlightenment, you will know precisely what to do.

NoRegrets said...

Evile-Ha - yes, cleanliness is next to godliness...

CEO - you know, I had an obsessino with sake for a while. I went to a sake brewing place in SF, which was quite cool, but for some reason ssince then I'm not quite so obsessed. I guess because I realized it doesn't change all that much.

Tera said...

Contrary to the stereotype that all black folks like chicken and watermelon, it's not really a favorite of mine. If I do eat it, it has to be super sweet! I cut it in triangular wedges :)

Churlita said...

I'm not the biggest watermelon fan. The seeds kind of bug me.

Anonymous said...

I cut a wheel in half and stick my face in there. But only if there's nobody to see me eat it that way. If there's people around, I use a fork. It's not half as much fun that way. And, since I'm supposed to be grown-up, in company I can't spit the seeds out. ;-)

NoRegrets said...

TERA, damn, all my preconceived notions gone out the window!
Churlita - you AND TERA? What is the world coming to?
ordinaryjanet - welcome! yeah, my boss said the same thing, well, except for the fork bit. I just visited your blog and tried to figure out how you got here, and couldn't. You are sneaky.

Ami said...

Mmmm...watermelon. My aunts joke that my sister and I could eat a whole watermelon by ourselves when we were kids. I believe that's probably true. One of my favorite summer treats, and I'll eat it different ways depending on my mood. Wheel, wedge, half-moon,'s delicious no matter how it's cut!

Tara said...

We ate watermelon like that in our family too. I'd get irritated, though, when my mom would sprinkle salt on some of it. Gross. ;)

Weird, I had watermelon the other day too. Not the whole melon but some slices that my mom gave me.

I hear you about the real seeds, too. The "seedless" watermelon seeds are an abomination.

SUEB0B said...

Well, I'm glad you asked! Cut off both ends. Stand it on one end and slice the rind off from top to bottom until the outside is all naked. Flip it over and do the bits you missed.

Quarter it. Cut the heart out in nice slices, then dice those. Carefully cut out the seedy rows, and if you are a wasteful lazy slut like me, toss them out. Otherwise deseed. Chop the rest in a nice 1" dice.

Sprinkle with lime juice, salt and chile powder. Honest to pete, this is the best thing on earth.

NoRegrets said...

Hey Sue0b! You know, I know someone who puts lime on it, but I haven't heard of the chile thing. I may try that sometime... thanks for visiting!

NoRegrets said...

Oops, forgot to thank smtwngrl and Tara for their input, especially Tara since she agrees on the whole seedless crap thing. :-)

laura b. said...

I love watermelon and will eat it any way it is served..wheels, half slices, triangular chunks, scooped out watermelon balls...and I like seedless!

Anonymous said...

NoR-I forget how I found you! You must be on the blogroll of someone on my blogroll. :-)