Thursday, June 5, 2008

Again, with the Philadelphia area

I don't know what it is, but the Philadelphia area tends to suck up all my best friends. It just hit me this morning that the people I'm staying with are moving August 1. Actually, it didn't just hit me - I thought they were moving later than that. It sucks. You'd think I'd be tempted to move to Philadelphia, but I'm not. I just really don't like that city. Maybe because I don't know it, and it's a better place to live than to visit, but I just don't have the desire to be there.

So, yet another child who will forget over time about me. Right now she calls for me when I'm in the house. I'm 'ma' and her mom is 'ma ma' (she has one of the letters right in my name!). The other day the only way her dad could get her in from the back was to say 'let's go look for ma'. She likes to step over/climb over my legs when I'm sitting on the floor. She found out she likes to feed me through the baby gate that stops her from falling down the basement stairs (where I sleep). This morning she went and got me my helmet and biking gloves without anyone asking her to do it.

All these changes are beating me over the head. I guess it's lucky I have a hard head.


Nate said...

Kids don't forget like you think they would. Dagromm's son is still bonded with me even though it was 12 years ago I was picking him up from Kindercare every day.

Susan said...

Children tend not to bond with me so count your blessings for the time you have, nor.

NoRegrets said...

Well, G, perhaps you are special! Or did you use superglue? :-)

But you have the girl scouts!
Shit, I have to write another count my blessing post? Why can't I wallow?

Tera said...

NoR that touches my heart...children are the most special little people in the world!

NoRegrets said...

Does it warm the cockles of your heart? I thought you might like that word.

Unknown said...

Stay in touch wit her NoR, I'm still close to people I haven't seen regularly since I was six. I still remember how they were with me when I was younger and we just never lost can do it :)

Squirrel said...

Not gonna go into details, but I feel your pain, and I hope G is right.

The CEO said...

It's all what you decide to make of it. You are the active verb here.

Unknown said...

Oh and ps don't move to Philly - it SUCKS.

Churlita said...

I've never been to Philadelphia before. maybe they'll come back to visit you.

NoRegrets said...

Oh, I'll keep in touch with the adults, fer sure. The thing is the little girl wouldn't come near me in November, even though she loved me last summer when I lived with them. Ah, I was just feeling sorry for myself. It will all be ok....

Tera said...

Ha! Yes! Love it!